Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Thoracic oncology care  >  About thoracic oncology

Thoracic oncology care

We provide highly specialized care for patients with cancers of the chest or thoracic cavity.

  • We are active in national and international clinical trials
  • We helped establish Lung Cancer Canada, a charitable organization dedicated to lung cancer awareness, education and support for patients
  • We helped develop provincial guidelines for lung cancer care, as part of Cancer Care Ontario's Program in Evidence Based Care
  • We collaborate with community hospitals to deliver care locally

Patients, families and visitors

Learn more about our care approach and clinical highlights

Our approach

Our multidisciplinary and interprofessional approach provides patients with expertise from surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, oncology nurses, pathologists, occupational therapists and speech language pathologists, clinical dietitians, social workers, pharmacy, drug reimbursement specialist, psychology, psychiatry, and a patient navigator.

Unique highlights

Sunnybrook Lung Cancer Diagnostic Assessment Program (L-DAP) offers referred patients easy and timely access to quality care, and pairs patients with a patient navigator who is dedicated to supporting the individual as they begin their care journey.

The Regional PET (positron emission tomography) Centre offers patients PET metabolic imaging, which is superior to CT (computed tomography) for lung and esophageal cancers.

Learn more about our specialty clinics

PERLA (Patients with Early Resected & Locally Advanced Lung Cancer) Clinic

A multidisciplinary clinic where all three specialties (surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists) will see the patient on the same day to discuss coordinated care and an individual treatment plan.

EPIC (Effusion Procedure Interprofessional Clinic)

A highly specialized clinic run by our team of respirologists to manage peritoneal and pleural effusions related to malignancy.

TRAPP (Treatment of Respiratory and Pleural-based Problems) Clinic

A highly specialized clinic led by our team of respirologists, who manage respiratory symptoms in individuals diagnosed with cancer.

SBRT (Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy) Program

Our Odette Cancer Centre is one of only a few centres in Canada with the expertise to provide Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy. We offer this high-precision, focal high-dose radiation therapy for some patients with lung cancer where a non-surgical approach is needed. Learn more about lung SBRT.

Time to Treat Clinic

In collaboration with Toronto East General Hospital, individuals suspected of having a lung malignancy are evaluated in an expedited manner and referred to appropriate specialists.


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Contact information

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Odette Centre Main Line:

(for appointment inquries, health-care questions, to be connected with Nursing Lines)

General Fax #:

(Please specify recipient’s name on cover sheet)

For referring physicians:

New Patient Booking Office Phone:

New Patient Referral Fax:

Additional phone numbers  »