Medical student
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Help train our medical students

We are looking for a patient partner to help teach our medical students.

Patient partner needed for the Simulation Centre. You may be able to help if you:

  • Had a surgical procedure at Sunnybrook in the past 3 years where you were given general anesthetic (you were put to sleep) and you recall your pre- and post-operative experience.
  • Can participate in a 3-hour training session (8-11:30am) in the Sunnybrook Canadian Simulation Centre. The Simulation Centre uses an immersive educational approach to train various health care professionals.
  • Can make a commitment of 3 sessions per year (3-hour sessions).
  • The cost of your parking or TTC transportation will be covered.

You do not need health-care experience to volunteer. You will be asked about your surgery and given training to provide feedback to the students.

Upcoming SIM dates

  • March 21, 2019
  • April 4, 2019
  • May 16, 2019
  • May 30, 2019
  • July 11, 2019
  • July 25, 2019


For more information or to express interest in participating, please contact Laurie Legere, Manager Engagement and Health Equity: or 437-999-9029