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Department of Psychiatry
Hospital  >  Departments  >  Psychiatry  >  Patient care  >  Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

There is hope. Reaching out can help you or a loved one find the support needed in a difficult time.

Sunnybrook’s expertise in suicide prevention

Sunnybrook’s suicide prevention experts are at the forefront of world-leading research and development of novel, evidence-based tools, to support patients and their loved ones.

In this section you will find innovative Sunnybrook resources aimed at helping individuals cope with emotional distress with easy-to-use tools as well as messages of hope: You are not alone and there is help.

Signs & Symptoms

Learn about the immediate warning signs and risk factors for suicide, as well as local crisis resources.

Coping Card

Making a personalized plan to cope with emotional distress can be done with a Coping Card. It is an easy-to-use tool that can help remind individuals about their coping strategies and who to contact for support. Learn more about the Coping Card.

The Coping Card can be downloaded for free and is available in 10 different languages including:

Read Mansoor’s story and how the Coping Card has helped him over the years.

For coping with grief after suicide, resources can be found on the Grief and Bereavement page.

Caring Contacts

Recently implemented as part of standard of care in Sunnybrook’s Department of Psychiatry, Caring Contacts email messages can help inpatients after a crisis and leaving the hospital. The goal of this email series is to remind patients that they not alone and help to reduce suicidal ideation after psychiatric hospitalization. Learn more about Caring Contacts.

Booklet: What to do if your loved one has made a suicide attempt

Developed by Sunnybrook’s Department of Psychiatry, with insight from the department’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, is a new resource booklet with information to help families and friends who are coping after an individual has made a suicide attempt. Learn more.

Reporting On Suicide: Recommendations For Media

“Studies have found when hopeful messages and helpful information are included in media coverage about a death by suicide, this can positively impact an individual and influence them to reach out for help.”Dr. Mark Sinyor, Psychiatrist, and lead author of the latest guidelines for responsible media reporting on suicide.

Learn about recommendations for responsible media reporting on suicide events in this quick guide, which includes tips for appropriate language when referring to suicide.

Real People, Real Stories

Hear from real people about their struggles with mental illness and addiction, and how they reached out for help in the face of adversity in the Sunnybrook Strength & Resilience Project.

Out of Darkness: Watch the stories of five individuals learning to live and cope with bipolar disorder.

You are not alone and there is help.

If you need help in an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or visit your local emergency department.

If you’re feeling like you’re in crisis or need somebody to talk to, please know that help is also available through community resources:

Find a local crisis resource at

Crisis Services Canada
Phone: 24-hour, toll-free
Text: 45645
(4:00 p.m. – midnight Eastern Time)

Kids Help Phone
Phone: 24-hour, toll-free
Text: 686868
(24 hours, 7 days a week)