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Patient Education: Diseases Conditions Treatments & Procedures

Hip Fracture

Emergency Room and Pre-operation

  • Several tests may need to be done. The tests depend on the type of fracture, your age and general health. Some of these tests include blood work, ECG (heart tests), x-rays and consults to other specialty doctors such as medicine and anaesthesia. 
  • You will likely have pain in your hip and leg. You will be given medicine for the pain. Please let the nurses know the pain is not relieved so that the medication can be adjusted. The nurses will also help you to position your leg comfortably. 
  • An intravenous (IV) tube will be placed in your arm to give you fluids. In most cases, you will not be allowed to eat or drink after midnight the evening before your surgery (except sips of fluid to take any needed medications). Sometimes if we know your surgery will not be until late in the day, you may have breakfast. 
  • You may need a tube (catheter) to be placed in your bladder to drain urine.
  • The Surgeon will answer questions about the operation and obtain consent from you or a family member.
  • Discharge Planning: You and your health care team will begin planning for discharge from the hospital. There are 3 main discharge destinations:
  1. Home with family support and/or assistance from home care.
  2. Long-term Care/Retirement Home: Some patients, who have come to the hospital from a Long Term Care Facility will return to this facility on day five after surgery.
  3. Sunnybrook Rehabilitation Partner: Sunnybrook is one of 39 facilities participating in a Ministry funded Hip Fracture Project.  This project introduces a new “Model of Care” to provide timely rehabilitation to patients with hip fractures. The project’s goal is to transfer you or your family member to a rehabilitation facility five days after surgery where applicable. If rehabilitation is a suitable goal for you or your family member, transfer to one of Sunnybrook’s Rehabilitation Partners (Holland Centre, Bridgepoint and St. John’s) will be discussed with you. Transfer to another rehab facility is also possible.

Visit the Sunnybrook Orthopaedic Trauma Program