Research  >  Research services  >  Clinical research services  >  Human Research Protections Program  >  Research Ethics  >  FAQs  >  REB Review types

REB Review types

The selection of the level of REB review shall be determined by the level of foreseeable risks to participants as described below. The final decision of whether a study qualifies for full board review or delegated review rests with the REB chair.

Full board review: The level of REB review assigned to above minimal risk research projects. Conducted by the full membership of the REB, it is the default requirement for the ethics review of research involving humans. The REB meets at a scheduled monthly meeting to review these studies.

Delegated review: The level of review assigned to minimal risk research projects. Delegated reviewers are selected among the REB membership and the reviews are conducted independently (not at a meeting).

Studies that may qualify for delegated review:

  • are considered either minimal risk and noninvasive (e.g., retrospective chart reviews, nonintrusive questionnaires or surveys, noninvasive assessments, use of existing samples); or
  • involve only current standards of care; or
  • have had prior approval from a TAHSN institution's REB. These studies are not considered for delegated review, unless the relevant documentation (REB review letter, reply to any REB concerns and approval letter) is provided, and the sponsor accepts this process.