Application Deadline
When is the application deadline for full-board and delegated studies?
Case Reports
Does a case report require REB approval?
Contracts and Agreements
How do I know when a contract or agreement is required for a research study?
Data Retention/Storage
How long do I have to keep study-related records after the study is completed?
Future Unspecified Research
Can data and/or biological samples be collected and stored for a future unspecified research purpose in connection with a study?
Health Canada Authorization
1. Does the REB require a copy of the Health Canada authorization (e.g. NOL, NOA, ITA)?
2. Does an REB representative need to sign the Research Ethics Board Attestation section (Appendix 2) of the Health Canada Basic Research Applications:
PERs (BRAP) form for my study?
Home Visits
1. Home visits done by sponsor/contracted third party
2. Home visits done by the research team
Informed Consent Form
1. What language level is appropriate for an informed consent for (ICF)?
2. Who can approach or make initial contact with potential research participants during recruitment?
3. Who can obtain informed consent from research participants?
4. Do I need to obtain consent for a survey research study?
Is your project QI or Research?
REB Applications
1. Who can I contact for guidance when completing a research ethics board application?
2. Can residents or fellows be local principal investigators at Sunnybrook?
3. What happens to a research ethics board application after it is submitted to the research ethics office?
4. Can I submit a research ethics board application if the funding is pending?
REB Fees
What are the fees for submitting to the REB?
REB Review types
Full Board vs. Delegated review
Research results and medical records
Can research data/results be included in a patient’s medical record?
Resident/Medical Student Research at Sunnybrook
I am a resident or medical student conducting a research project while at Sunnybrook. Do I apply to the Sunnybrook REB or the University of Toronto (UofT) REB?
Retrospective Studies
1. Will the REB approve extensions to the data collection date range for retrospective studies?
2. Will the Sunnybrook REB consider consent waivers for studies that involve an industry partner (rather than an academic partner) and meet the criteria outlined in Article 3.7A of TCPS2 when requested?
Trial Registration
1. How do I register my clinical study on ClinicalTrials.gov?
2. How do I know when registration is required for a research study?
What regulations are investigators required to follow with respect to responsible conduct of research?
Secondary Use of Data
When do you need REB approval for "secondary use of data"?
Study Closure
How do I know if I should close my study with the REB?