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Medicine care team

Medical Oncology/ Hematology

Dr. Andrea Eisen
Dr. Andrea Eisen, MD, FRCPC

Medical Oncologist

Odette Cancer Centre
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room T2-038
Toronto, ON
M4N 3M5


Phone: 416-480-4617
Fax: 416-480-6002

Dr. Andrea Eisen has been at the Odette Cancer Centre since September 2003. From July 2004 to May 2010, she was head of preventive oncology and subsequently became head of the Familial Cancer Program. She was co-chair of the CCO PEBC Breast Guidelines Group until 2015. In 2014, she became the CCO Provincial Breast Cancer lead. Her academic interests are in hereditary breast cancer, clinical trials, treatment guidelines and CCO Breast Cancer Pathways.